Friday, May 22, 2020

The Errors And Its Effects On The New Way Of View Life

The errors I am most guilty of committing frequently would be, filtering out the positive, unreal ideal, and labeling. I never know the terminology for these habits until now. When reading the article, I could picture scenarios when I committed these errors. I have tendency of labeling everything! When I first moved to America, labeling/grouping items, people and so on really helped to simplify this new journey. Over the years I am realizing that that s a poor way of view life. I tend to label people, places, and etc. with little or no interacting. The last year there has been a lot in the media about police brutality and unfair treated for African American and minorities in general. When watching the news, I would make a state like â€Å"these police officers are evil and out of control.†, â€Å"these officers are all racist† and so on. Stating comments like these are completely unfair. Putting all officers in the same category is small minded and doesn t solve the problem facing us today. On top of that am implanting those false beliefs onto my little brother. Filtering out the positive was my second one. It doesn t matter how much I accomplish or do, all I focus on is what I could of them better. The first week of the semester I had to give a speech in a communication class. I was really nervous and shy, but the speech went really well until the end. For some reason I looked and froze, I then started to stutter on some of the words. Although the overall of the speech went wellShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Technology On Patient Care957 Words   |  4 PagesTechnology plays a critical role in the twenty-first century as it continues to improve everyday life. Technological benefits have expanded into the healthcare setting and has greatly impacted the medical field. 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